

Teachers and Coordinators



"I just finished my second year of teaching a skateboarding unit to 2nd-4th graders. I've been teaching for 21 years, and I can confidently say that this was the best curriculum choice I've made for my students. The students are highly engaged, show a growth mindset, encourage others, and are just excited about the unit. There are so many social-emotional skills that tie into this activity. In both of these years, it has been rare to have a behavior issue with the classes that are skateboarding. I didn't grow up skateboarding and I only have 25-minute classes....so if I can do it, so can you!"
- Joy Palecek, Physical Education, Valders Elementary School, Wisconsin


"I recommended Skate Pass to her dad because the little kids (she's in 3rd grade) can actually turn the Skate Pass boards. Every time a kid brings a personal board from home, they can't turn, even when I loosen the trucks as much as possible."

- Greg Parker, Physical Education, Steck Elementary School, Colorado



"Thanks so much for providing the Skate Pass training yesterday. I was so impressed with how our teachers got on those boards and were skating and paddling; many of them had never experienced skating. Eric was very clear about the techniques and the procedures went from a focus on safety to the development of skills. Our (middle school) teachers were very excited and many mentioned they want to implement this into the curriculum. Thanks again, we might be calling for another training opportunity as I had several elementary school teachers ask me when they can start!!"

- Roina Baquera, PhD, Director of Health and Physical Education, Fort Worth Independent School District, Texas



"I really enjoyed teaching the Skate Pass curriculum to my 3rd-5th grade P.E. students. The students were so engaged and excited to actually learn how to skateboard. I had one 5th grade student who would rarely participate in any physical activity, didn't socialize much and carried themselves with a sad demeanor; head always down, seldom smiled. After the first lesson, that same student ran up to me smiling and exclaiming that they found their niche, they really, really, love skateboarding and wanted to continue for a lifetime. Of my 15 years teaching, this was one of the most impactful feelings as a teacher; thank you!

- Michelle Bybee, Physical Education, Tarrallton Elementary School, Norfolk, Virginia 



"We were the first in Ohio (in 2010) and the program is going great (in 2024)!"

- Alan Arnett, Physical Education, Brookville Elementary, Brookville, Ohio



"I recently received recognition from SHAPE as an Oregon Teacher of the Year, and I want you to know that a huge part of that is because of you guys and the help you gave me while I was trying to get skating started at my school. Thank you for helping me see that creativity and perseverance are possible, and well worth it."

Previous two testimonials from the same teacher:

"We just finished our third lesson! So far it’s been awesome! It’s so great to see so many of my students stepping way out of their comfort zones and having such success. Other teachers, and even my school district’s directors are taking personal time to come watch! I even have been approached by teachers from other school districts about observations! I’m seriously so happy, my kids are happy, it’s so good right now."

"Thank you for all the help over the last few months! I have a feeling that this program is the start of a new view on PE in my area. And it wouldn’t be possible without your help."
- Jordan Werner, PE Department, Elementary, Oregon



"Our skateboard unit was a blast!  I taught grades 3-5 for a 3-day unit (45 minutes each day). I had the least amount of students familiar with skateboarding compared to any other unit yet they were constantly talking about how much fun it was. Students were much more focused than I anticipated. Being the first time I’ve taught skateboarding, I felt so much more comfortable having had the Skate Pass training. The curriculum flows well. I’m very grateful to have the resource."
- John Hannemann, Physcial Edcuation, Normandale Elementary, Edina, Minnesota

"We had a blast this year with the skateboards!"
- Aby Goff, PE Department, Anderson Elementary, Lufkin, Texas



"The first 3 weeks of school have been absolutely fantastic with the new skateboarding curriculum. Across all grade levels, Pre-K to 6th, they are loving it! I am loving how focused and attentive students are being in the learning process and they have exceled because of that."

- Lucas Bolduc, PE Teacher, Valley Collaborative Elementary-Massachusetts



"I went to West (Middle School) the other day to see the Skate Pass program, kids were having a blast!"

- Kristen Allen, Recreation Supervisor, City of Aurora



"I had the privilege of seeing Skate Pass in action as part of our after-school programs in Aurora, Colorado. It was inspiring to see the kids gain confidence that they never knew they had through the help of an instructor that believed in them; and by the end of the program, they believed in themselves."

- Ashley Lapp, Program Coordinator, City of Aurora, Office of Youth Development


"Skateboarding is a popular class and doesn't have trouble filling up."
- Sam Welvaert, Recreation Specialist, City of Aurora



"I loved using the skate program! I used it mostly in after-school classes and with some of the older students during their PE classes. Very easy to implement and we used it all over the school on different surfaces. The occupational therapists used the equipment as well."
- Ken Cressman, The Schenck School/Atlanta Speech School, Atlanta, GA



"The program is going well and kids really enjoy it. We have some indor ramps and rails, too, and they really seem to enjoy that."

- Katie Hahn, Dean of Students/PE, Beaver Dam Middle School, WI


"I have been presenting "Skateboarding to Success" at all Oregon physical education conferences for the last 3 years and teachers from all over the state have suited up with helmets and pads, and have rode these boards and gone through my presentation. The outcome is always the same... giant grins, ear to ear from adults, which means if they are diggin it, then the kids are going to LOVE IT!

Thanks so much Eva! You, Eric, and your crew are kick-flippin' awesome!"

- Jake Gerig, PE, Robert Frost Elementary/Oak Elementary School, Oregon


"The program is a big hit since many of the kids have never been on a skateboard but have always wanted to skateboard. They view skateboarding in the gym as a safe way for them to try it out. Kids go on to ask their parents to buy them a board after we finish the unit.

For Special Education students, I walk next to them while pushing them or they can sit and ride the board with the rest of the class. We have a great time skateboarding in class. Administrators are a little hesitant, but when they see it in action they hop right on board. They come down often to watch the excitement in the gym."

- Mike Rubino, PE Department, Patch High School, Stuttgart, Germany


"The kids had a fantastic time and so did I. I think two weeks is the perfect amount of time to run the unit. If I was a serious boarder then I could have added an additional week. I had each class in the middle school for a total of four times over the two weeks. By the fourth class I was running them through obstacle courses at beginner and advanced. I used the better skateboarders as peer helpers for the less experienced... All in all a great experience for the kids and I can't wait to do it again next year. Badminton is no longer my favorite unit."

- Neil Boyce, Anglophone East School District, New Brunswick, Canada


“Thank you. We have received all of our Skate Pass shipment and are going to give our PE teachers training next week. Today, I used the gear for the first time to promote skateboarding at a new school. The principal loved the program so much that she would like to purchase another set of twenty-six kits... I would really like to grow skateboarding in our district and we have thirty-nine schools...”

- Tanya Thibeau, Anglophone East School District, New Brunswick, Canada


“It’s like you struck oil,” Slagle said of the excitement the (Skate Pass) program has brought. “It’s exciting to see these kids try something different and like it. It can be tough to find things that young people like and can be active doing.”

- Penny Slagle, Physical Education Department, Williston, North Dakota
"Skateboarding for a Healthy Lifestyle" by Jerry Burnes/Williston Herald
Read Williston Herald Article


"Our students absolutely loved the Skate Pass program. I was amazed at how the students picked up on it so quickly and by the end of the week they were all pretty darn good at it. I even became so much more comfortable on a skateboard and the only time I had ever been on one was (at the Colorado Springs conference). So thank you very much."
- Penny Slagle, Physical Education Department, Williston, North Dakota


"It was absolutely the most fun I’ve ever had while “working” and attending a training of any sort.I am beyond excited to teach skateboarding to my students."

- Shannon Casson, PE, Soda Creek Elementary, Steamboat Springs, CO


"As you can see from the survey results, the teachers had a lot of fun, appreciated
your expertise, and went away confident to teach skateboarding. Some teachers requested that you come back again for another in-service."
- Catherine Hartman, PE Department, Denver Public Schools, Colorado


"We love the Skate Pass Program. We've been going for three years now and the kids are having a blast!"
- Matt Johnson, PE Department, Hassan Elementary School, Minnesota


"{Skate Pass} served virtually every grade 4-6 student in our district. Tremendous buy in almost every time. This program is a joy to teach."
- Paul Mackinnon, Outdoor Education Coordinator, School District 16, New Brunswick, Canada


"Skate Pass had been a great addition to our physical education and health program. From the research and development provided by the company, the information they provide to help schools adopt this program, and the associations they have with the equipment companies, this program is second to none. It allows schools to focus on a non-traditional physical education sport and engross the minds and bodies of many kids who might just not be that interested in physical education class. It allows kids to take part in a sport that is now mainstream for many of our youth and provides them the opportunity to learn and challenge themselves at their own pace and at the same time be safe. This program has made many of my students realize that skateboarding for sport or exercise does not mean you have to do 1080’s or ollie trash cans, but rather it can be as simple as pushing and cruising down the street as well as being a lot of fun.

Skate Pass, Kingsway Middle School and its skateboard students thank you for getting us excited about the sport and exercising our bodies and minds in ways once thought impossible in a school setting. Thanks again and Keep Riding."
- Bill Ewe, PE Department, Kingsway Middle School, New Jersey


"Every year, I survey our 8th grade students as they finish their final semester in Physical Education. One of the questions I ask is, "What were your top three favorite activities in PE these past two years?" This year, skateboarding was consistently listed as one of the top two favorite units listed by our students. They really love this! Thanks for such a great program. The equipment and curriculum are great and practically anybody can learn how to do it. I am a believer!"
- Deb Sension-Hall, PE Department, Hellgate Elementary District, Montana


"I'm in the middle of teaching three different classes the (Skate Pass) Unit. It's amazing what kids come up with. They are putting the final touches on their routines and will be demonstrating routines next week. One of the classes is a Special Ed class with seven kids that have a variety of challenges that span from locomotor/balance and space to processing and self esteem. (We've been) working on ways to manipulate a board using feet and hands. The number of "tricks" they can do without getting on the board is crazy cool."
- Todd Papianou, PE Department, Mountain Valley High School, Maine


"I wanted to tell you that our teachers looked at the curriculum and were very impressed. You guys did a great job making it easy to teach. I think there might be other schools (in our district) that are interested in purchasing in the future! We even had tons of kids go out and buy their own skateboards. It is really catching on!"

"I just wanted to say thanks to you guys for doing this. I have never seen our kids so excited about being active! I think I am just as excited as they are. The equipment is awesome and I just wanted you to know how pumped our kids are to be the first elementary school in Kansas to do this! Thanks again."
- Todd Junker, PE Department, McLean Elementary School, Kansas


"Skate Pass has really helped us build momentum toward our new community skatepark. So many more kids are interested in skateboarding now that they've had a safe, solid introduction to the sport."
- Andre Bouchard, Active Living Facilitator, Annapolis Recreation Services, Canada


"(The first day of the curriculum) is going great! I told my first hour that they should be very proud because they were the first students to ever do a skateboard unit in the state of Kansas. This is a great addition to physical education. The students have surprised me so far with how well the majority can "Push". The rest of the curriculum went very well and the kids had a great time with it. Feel free to let other PE teachers contact me about the program."
- Cade Armstrong, PE Department, Derby Middle School, Kansas


"First off I would like to say that the Skate Pass program has been a huge success for my before- and after-school pogram. It is especially amazing that we serve 25 students every morning at 7 am, who instead of skating out in front of the campus, can skate inside our gymnasium, and learn the proper techniques at the same time. We are drawing 25 students every morning at 7am faithfully!! The true testament comes from my attendance office because since we started our AM skate club, the tardies and absences of the students in the club have drastically declined!! That's amazing!!"
- Brandan Aldridge, RAP After School Program Coordinator, Will Rogers Middle School, California


"It was awesome! The kids enjoyed it so much. The Skate Pass curriculum is safer and easier than inline. I had kids who couldn't stand on inline skates riding and progressing on the skateboard."
- Richard Cendali, American PE Teacher of the Year, CAHPERD Teacher of the Year, President's Distinguished Fitness Service Award, Douglass Elementary School, Colorado


"Skate Pass has been a great way for our Physical Education Teachers here at Kingston High School to introduce skateboarding into our Physical Education classes. The students have really enjoyed learning and exploring a new sport/activity. Working with Skate Pass has been a GREAT experience, and their knowledge of how to integrate skateboarding into our school was tremendous! I would HIGHLY recommend this program to anyone wanting to improve their program."
- Lester I. Green Jr., PE Specialist, Kingston High School, New York


"The Skate Pass equipment we ordered worked out great! The kids loved it, and the curriculum and equipment was excellent! We really thought the equipment was awesome! The kids did too, even the “skateboarders” thought it was good stuff. We have some pretty exciting things planned for the future and with Skate Pass!"
- Tammy Bryant, Health Promotion and Education Service Manager, Cero Gordo County Department of Public Health, Mason City, Iowa


"I could actually skateboard at the end of it! It was amazing how quickly the group progressed. The steps were easy to follow and the progression was natural. Everyone was cheering each other on and looking out for each other. It was great to have the kids watching us at the door – they were amazed and really excited about the idea of skateboarding in the school – it really showed the potential interest of kids.
- Jen Grant, Sport Animator Regional Manager, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board, Nova Scotia, Canada


"I have just had four of my students tell me today that they are asking for skateboards for Christmas. The skateboard unit is working out better than I expected. Watching the kids who would have never stepped foot on a skateboard gain confidence through out the week has been the high point for me."
- Valerie Dudash, 2006 West Virginia Middle School PE Teacher of the Year, Charles Town Middle School, West Virginia


"Our principal was so impressed to observe that many of the students who had struggled with discipline problems throughout the school year were shining stars in the skateboarding class. It was great to see these students radiate success!"
Complete testimonial letter
- Tyler Crippen, PE Teacher, Maria Mitchell Elementary School, CO


"I'm pleased to see that Skate Pass has come up with a logical, sequential approach that is developmentally appropriate for teaching skateboard skills."
- Billy Gober, Director of Educational Services, Sportime International, Dekalb, Atlanta Coordinator, 15 years, Alabama P.E. Hall of Fame


"The skateboarding skills and activities taught in the Skate Pass program are a great way to enhance balance and core stability while having fun and meeting new challenges in quality physical educati

- Cindy Gober, Tennessee PE Teacher of the Year, Tennessee Secondary PE Teacher of the Year, Co-Chair Governer's Council Physical Fitness & Health


“The Skate Pass program is appropriate for elementary, middle and high school students. The kids are taught skateboarding fundamentals while wearing protective gear. This ensures a safe and exciting learning environment.”
- Eric Larson, Physical Education Coordinator, Denver Public Schools, CO


"The Skate Pass program encourages kids to pursue a fun, lifelong and inexpensive activity."
- Anne Turnacliff, Physical Educator, Boulder Valley School District, CO



"I used to be afraid of skateboarding, but now I've discovered that skateboarding is really fun."
- 2nd Grade Boy


"That was so much fun. I can't wait for Skate Pass to come back!"

- 4th Grade Girl


"I've owned a skateboard for three years. Now I know how to ride it!"
- 5th Grade Girl


"Oh yea, that was awesome! Doesn't that just feel great?!"

- 5th Grade Boy

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